On behalf of the Saint Matthew Parish family, I would like to extend a warm welcome to you. If you have been in search of a parish that feels like family, St. Matthew is the place to be. If you are looking for a place to learn more about your faith, celebrate your faith, live your faith and share your faith, you are on the right page. Our vision is very much in line with what Vatican II taught when it maintained: that though God created us as individuals, He does not wish to save us as individuals but as a family. Like our patron, St. Matthew, the Evangelist, our mission is to evangelize and win souls for Jesus Christ. We do so through our beautiful and reverent liturgical worship and our various outreach ministries and faith formation opportunities. To get involved with a parish ministry that could use your talents, visit our Ministries page. If you would like to learn more about the faith, consider joining one of our faith formation opportunities here.
From its humble start on June 4th, 1978, worshipping in the chapel of a local funeral home, the St. Matthew parish family has been on the go, taking the leap of faith and trusting in God to provide the rest. Our current church building was inaugurated in the year 2000, and serves the communities of Tyrone, Palmetto, Fairburn, Chattahoochee Hills, and Union City. You can learn more about the history of our parish here.
Saint Matthew parish family continues to thrive because of her very committed parishioners across all the areas of stewardship: talent, time, and treasure. If you feel moved to join us, please fill out the registration form below, or you can register by stopping by the office during the week, Monday through Thursday from 9:30 am to 3:00 pm.
As we get to know, love and serve each other, be rest assured of my daily prayers for you and your family. Please keep me in yours as well. May the Good Lord bless you now and always!
Yours in Christ,
Fr. Valery Akoh