Last week we saw the beatitudes as the key to happiness, as the framework of happiness, as the school of seeing happiness not as something that happens to us, but what we do with what happens to us with the light of truth. Having received this light of truth from Jesus the Light, the Truth, He invites us today to therefore go to the whole world and be its light and its salt. Jesus is the source of our light and our sweetness. There are many properties of salt and light but on thisFifthSunday of the year, on thisfifth day of the month, permit me suggestfive of these qualitiesthat would enable us accomplish our mission as commissioned by Christ. I would like to suggest two qualities from each substance, and one overarching common quality of both.
A) Salt preserves the good from turning bad, and enhances the savor of the good;
B) Light brings clarity, and empowers; C) Doing all for the glory of God.
1)A Disciple as Salt that Prevents Decay
Long before the advent of the refrigerator, man preserved his perishable food items, meat and fish by using salt. How are we called to be salt in our world today? In a world where moral permissiveness is the order of the day (from the barber’s shop to the public square), where everything goes, where morality has kicked the bucket, the disciple is commissioned to come into the scene andseason it withthe salt of love and couragein order to prevent further decay. It was with the salt of love and zeal for the laws of God that Israel stood firm against the powers that wanted to suppress them. It was with courage and lovethat the early martyrs of the Church stood against the Caesars of their day toprevent further decay of true worship. It is with love and courage that we are invited to witness to the Good News of Salvation in our world today that has lost its moral bearing. Salt does not only preserve the good we have received, it enhances it. It makes bitter sweet.
2) A Disciple as Salt Gives Savor to All His does.
The common use of salt today is to give flavor to food. Salt makes whatever it comes in contact with taste better. What or who gives flavor to all reality? It is very evident from the beatitudes of last week that there is no moment we cannotbe happy when we take it to Jesus. The divine perspective is like the salt that changes everything. If there is one thing that gives flavor to all we do, it is love. It is the salt of love that transforms our burdens and makes them light (see Matt 11:28). How are we as disciples called to enhance what we’ve been given?Withthesalt of initiative and love. Initiative comes from being grateful and responsible.We are called to therefore do nothing without love. If all we do is to do all with great love, our work shall never be wanting with great flavor. How moving it is to see parishioners take initiatives of little Church projectsand execute them with great love for our Lord and the parish family!
3) A Disciple as Light Brings Clarity
One of the evident functions of light is that it brings clarity and disperses doubt.In the presence of light as opposed to darkness, we are sure, secure and unafraid. With what kind of light are we called to evangelize the world? With the light of kindness and truth, we are challenged to bring the good news of salvation toan ignorant and relativistic world. In a world where your truth is your truth, and my truth is my truth, Jesus stands for us as the Objective Truthand Meaning of all that brings clarity to our differences. The first reading tells us how our light will shine brightly more by our witness of charity than ourwords of preaching:“Thus says the Lord: Share your bread with the hungry, shelter the oppressed and the homeless; clothe the naked when you see them, and do not turn your back on your own. Then your light shall break forth like the dawn.”We are called to witness to the truth with nothing but kindness. Mother Teresa of Calcuttaresolved thus:“I prefer to make mistakes in kindness than work miracles in unkindness.”I have been very much moved this week by the kindness of our staff especially to strangers. The light of truth we would like to share with our neighbor can only be brought about by kindness: there is no other way; there is no better way!
4)A Disciple as Light Empowers Others
Jesus does not only command us to be light, He makes clear thatour light “must shine before others.” When light shines on a reality, it does not only make clear the reality, it enlightens it and transmits energy to it. When we let our light shine before otherswe inspire them to do the same and even more. This week I was greatly inspired by the vision of a Catholic Lady by name – Betsy.She had had this great vision of building a retreat center where people could come and pray. When the opportune time came, she found one – the origins of the faith in Georgia. The once dilapidated property is now being transformed into this great center of prayer and reflection. February second witnessed six bishops from three dioceses and the Faithful celebrate the 200th Anniversary of the Church of the Purification, the cradle of our faith in Georgia thanks to Betsy’s vision. With clear vision, and trust in God’s grace, the disciple empowers others by simply shining brightly. Her light gives others the inspiration and permission to also shine brightly. I bet many will continue to be inspired by her.
5) A Disciple as Salt and Light does all for the Glory of God
Jesus concludes His exhortation by reminding us that we should do all not only that all may see our good deeds, but above all, “glorify your heavenly Father.”As disciples of salt and light, we are called to never forget the source of our sweetness and light and the purpose of our mission – from God and for God. St. Paul in the second reading maintained firmly: “For I resolved to know nothingwhile I was with you except Jesus Christ, and him crucified.” We must do none of these out of vainglory, but all for the glory of God and those we serve. May Jesus Christ, the Ever-Sweet Salt of the Earth and True Light of the world whom we receive in the Eucharist today, sweeten and enlighten us so that we may be the salt and light in the world as He commissions us to today.