Goals & Purpose: The K of C is a worldwide Catholic fraternal men’s organization comprised of 14,000 Councils and close to 1.9 million members. The principles of the Order are: Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Our purpose is to support our pastor, various parish ministries, the surrounding community and other worthy global outreach programs.
Responsibilities: We provide assistance for Church events, such as the Church Picnic, Fall Festival, Haiti Fundraiser, etc. and help with facility maintenance. Our first principle is Charity; in order to financially support worthy charitable causes, we conduct fundraisers such as Pancake Breakfasts, Lenten Fish Frys, Keep Christ in Christmas Cards, Fudge Sales, Derby Day, St. Patrick’s Day Party, etc.
Time Commitment: There is no set amount of time required, however, more involvement leads to greater personal satisfaction knowing your efforts are helping our parish and those in need. Our monthly Business Meeting is held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month; a social “get-together” is held on the 4th Tuesday of the month. We ask all Knights to help out and participate in our fundraising events.
Training Requirement: The K of C is open to men at least 18 years of age who are practicing Catholics in union with the Holy See. Anyone interested in joining can approach any Knight or contact the leader.
Leader: Todd Wilmore