Goals & Purpose: The Cub Scout program is a fun and educational experience that instills values. Besides providing a positive place where children can enjoy safe, wholesome activities, Cub Scouting focuses on building character, improving physical fitness, teaching practical skills, and developing a spirit of community service.
Responsibilities: We are an organization based on adult volunteers. Those 18 yrs old and older, parents and grandparents are welcome to join leadership roles.
Meeting Times & Time Commitment: Pack 373 meets once a month, usually Saturday or Sunday. Time varies depending on the activity. Individual dens have 1 to 2 den meetings each month. Date and time vary depending on den leader’s schedule. Be prepared to meet at least 3 times a month.
Cub Scout Requirement: Children in Kindergarten through 5th grades, or 5 to 10 years old.
Leader Training Requirement: For more information about training requirements, please contact the Leader.
Leader: Sarah Steyn